Donc voilà ce que j'ai fais, récupérer de vieux vêtements assez amples et sans trop de détails afin de les transformer comme je le voulais. Et je trouve que ça rend plutôt bien enfaîte !
Prenez cette robe en photo au dessus porté par ma soeur. A la base, ce n'était qu'une affreuse jupe longue sans forme et mal taillée. Et bien voilà ce que j'en ai fais une petite robe à l'esprit romantique avec de la broderie âgée de 100 ans (merci mamie).
Alors vous en pensez quoi ?
Since the beginning of college, I wanted to be a stylist. But growing up, I realized the enormous risk involved. Being a stylist is not a safe value, and for me not to get my life would be the worst thing! So I preferred to keep this idea as a passion and not ambition. So I had my own little sewing machine professional ^^ and I am putting! Small rub again, the tissue, firstly it is rare where I live, and secondly when there is proving to be expensive. So that's what I do, get old and loose fitting clothes without too many details to process them as I wanted. And I think it makes pretty good enfaite! Take this dress photo above worn by my sister. Basically, it was a horrible shapeless long skirt and poorly cut. Well that's what I'm doing a little dress in the romantic spirit with embroidery aged 100 years (thank you grandma).
So you know what?
that's a very cool unique looking dress :)